




ePodismo online | U.S. edition | Issue 43 | December 2017


In Italy as well we have those who run competitively, constantly looking at their watch, but in fun runs most of the participants are there to appreciate the course, and some of these even find time to stop and pick up wild asparagus spears.

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Marcia del Ringraziamento in Cremona

Trofeo La Torre in Pontassieve (Firenze)

Move It Garda in Riva del Garda (Trento)

Maratona di Ravenna cittā d'arte in Ravenna

Corri in rosa in San Vendemiano (Treviso)

Trofeo fettunta in Mezzomonte di Impruneta (Firenze)


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 DECEMBER 11 - Those who understand the northern Italian dialects would smile when reading the title of the event held in Vigone, near Turin: Ciapa 'l pulast ca scapa via literally means "Catch the runaway chicken". The reason behind this curious 6K night race name lies in the fact that the event official "apripista", the trailblazer who is showing participants the course to follow, is conspicuously dressed as a rooster. All race entrants receive a neon bracelet upon registration, while the final participation prize consists - you should have guessed it - in a chicken.

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