




ePodismo online | U.S. edition | Issue 60 | May 2019


The message is clear: the three courses of the "Un po' 'n poggio" run are not flat, but are definitely worth the challenge, especially for all participants embarking on this tasting tour on the hills near Prato. The checkpoints feature breakfast in Filettole, bruschetta near Villa Rucellai, lunch in San Leonardo, sweet snacks in Gamberame, and "aperitivo" with spritz in Santa Lucia. And of course, if you managed to still leave a little bit of room, pasta party for all at the finish line.

Have you ran in Italy? We want your stories!
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Muovi la tua vita in Adro (Brescia)

Half Marathon Firenze in Firenze

Camminando corro... Corro camminando... in Anguillara Sabazia (Roma)

Venice Night Trail in Venezia

DiVinNosiola Ecorunning in Vezzano di Vallelaghi (Trento)

Ecomarathon Bagno a Ripoli in Grassina (Firenze)

Scarpinata per i colli del sud in Candeli (Firenze)


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 MAY 12 - When thinking of Italy, the city of Pescara is not the first to come to mind. Yet, Pescara is the most populous city in the Abruzzo region, and is one of the top ten economic, commercial, and tourist centers on the Adriatic coast, a popular seaside Summer resort featuring a shoreline that extends for more than 20 kilometers (12 miles), and home of the Ponte del Mare (the largest pedestrian and cycle bridge in Italy). The Maratonina del mare features a competitive half marathon and a fun run 10k course through the city that was the birthplace of Gabriele D'Annunzio (one of the most prominent figures in Italian literature) and Ennio Flaiano (best known for co-writing "La Dolce Vita" with Italian director Federico Fellini).

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