




ePodismo online | U.S. edition | Issue 64 | September 2019


While "Happy ending" is often referred to the final chapter of a book, or the last scene in a movie, in which almost everything turns out for the best for everyone except the villain, it could have a very different meaning too. A lot can be lost in translation.

Have you ran in Italy? We want your stories!
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Vertical Tovel in Ville d'Anaunia (Trento)

Camignada poi sič refuge in Misurina (Belluno)

Trofeo Grotte in Castellana Grotte (Bari)

Vigolana Skyrace in Vigolo Vattaro (Trento)

Alpago Sky Super 3 in Lamosano (Belluno)

Monte Gazza Wild Running in Fraveggio di Vezzano (Trento)


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 SEPTEMBER 22 - With the start line located in San Peter's square, right in the heart of Vatican City (the independent city-state enclaved within the Italian capital), the Rome Half Marathon Via Pacis is a 13.1 miles run on a route inspired by the traditional "Pilgrimage of the seven churches" connecting the different places of worship (St. Peter, the Synagogue, the Mosque, the Valdese Church and the Orthodox Church) to bring a message of peace and solidarity against violence, racism, discrimination. Each participant will run with their own message of peace to be dropped, at the finish line, in transparent containers that symbolize the columns of peace: these will be later collected and published in a commemorative book.

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